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The best thing I did for my business this year was…

Prioritize working out. And here’s why…

I physically feel better. This feels obvious, but after years of fertility challenges while trying to have a second child, I just didn’t feel like myself. This year, I’ve ruthlessly prioritized my workouts and try to move every weekday, mostly through group workout classes (more on this later). My goal isn’t to be thin or have a certain body type;I love feeling strong. As one of my instructors says, she’s teaching us “strength and mobility for everyday living”. I want to get on the floor with my toddler now and stay active for the rest of my life, which brings me to…

I have better energy, both physically and mentally. Initially, it felt stressful to carve out 50 minutes of my day for a workout when I could be working, running errands, or catching up on all the things. But what I’ve noticed instead is that my workouts boost my energy during the day, help me focus and be more efficient with my time, and at night, they help me sleep better. My mental health has improved, and the American Psychology Association supports this, with studies showing that exercise positively affects mood, reduces anxiety, and improves cognition. Additionally, I’ve found…

I enjoy the social aspect of group workouts. I’m a solopreneur, and during workdays when I’m not traveling for sales training workshops or on video chats with my 1:1 coaching clients, I’m usually alone. Seeing familiar faces at the gym every day and making new friends has been an unexpected and lovely benefit of my workout routine. And last but not least…

I’ve noticed a boost in my confidence. When I work out, I sleep better and eat better, which in turn helps me feel physically and mentally better, giving me more mental clarity. All of this combined makes me feel more confident in making big decisions for my business, seizing new opportunities, and helping clients. As a friend recently shared, her therapist calls it “being well resourced,” and I try to keep that in mind before making any big decisions.

In what ways (big or small) are you taking care of yourself? I always love hearing new suggestions.



In other news:

🗞️ Negotiation is also a hot topic whenever I talk about sales, and I recently wrote a blog on it for Peak Selling’s website. Check it out here:

Blog - Peak Selling
Blog -

🗞️ A recent topic in Lenny's Newsletter really resonated with me, especially as I reflect on growing my business over the past two years. In his interview with Alex Komoroske (ex-Google, ex-Stripe), they discuss adopting a gardener’s mindset rather than a builder’s. I’m sharing the excerpt here in case it resonates with you too:

Embrace a gardener’s mindset instead of a builder’s: While builders meticulously plan every step to achieve a specific goal, this structured approach can stifle unexpected, innovative breakthroughs. In contrast, Alex champions the gardening philosophy, which emphasizes planting seeds—representing ideas and projects—and nurturing them as they grow organically. This perspective recognizes that not every seed will take root, but those that do can surpass initial expectations, often resulting in groundbreaking innovations.

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